Government Courses

GOVT-112Comparative Politics
GOVT-114International Relations
GOVT-116The American Political Process
GOVT-117Introduction to Political Theory
GOVT-200Congressional Politics
GOVT-201Introduction to Feminist Thought
GOVT-203Women and War: Feminism, Militarism and Nationalism
GOVT-207Politics in the Middle East and North Africa
GOVT-208Political Parties and Elections
GOVT-209Political Oratory
GOVT-211Politics in China
GOVT-212Climate Change
GOVT-213Politics in Russia
GOVT-214Politics in Western Europe
GOVT-216Politics in Latin America
GOVT-218Politics of Africa
GOVT-219Congress & Legislative Politics
GOVT-220Bureaucracy and Public Administration: Experts, Elites, and Governance
GOVT-221The American Presidency
GOVT-224Presidential Nomination Campaign Fieldwork
GOVT-225Courts and Judicial Process
GOVT-226Comparative Political Economy
GOVT-229The American Founding: Ideals and Reality
GOVT-230Data Analysis
GOVT-232Contemporary Political Theory
GOVT-234The Politics of Equality: Hierarchies in Contemporary Life
GOVT-237Russia and the World
GOVT-238The Politics of Asylum
GOVT-239Digital Human Rights Investigations Project
GOVT-240International Security
GOVT-241Survey of Constitutional Law
GOVT-243Feuds: 7 Controversies in American Society
GOVT-244Nationalism and the Politics of Identity
GOVT-245Truth and Justice in Latin America
GOVT-246Latin America in the World
GOVT-247The Pursuit of Happiness
GOVT-249American Political Thought
GOVT-251Introduction to Public Policy
GOVT-252Comparative Health Policy
GOVT-254International Law
GOVT-256Nuclear Politics
GOVT-258Equality and Inequality in American Politics
GOVT-259Politics and Society in Spinoza
GOVT-261Classical Political Thought
GOVT-268Political Film
GOVT-269The American Constitution and Human Rights
GOVT-270Democratic Theory
GOVT-272The Nazi State: 1933-1938
GOVT-273Law and Justice Laboratory: Seminar in the Criminal Justice System in Oneida County, New York
GOVT-274Justice Laboratory: Experience and Observation
GOVT-275Who's Afraid of Democracy?
GOVT-276Enlightenment and Counter-enlightenment
GOVT-281Common Ground: A Laboratory for Civil Discourse
GOVT-285Introduction to Environmental Politics
GOVT-286Environmental Policy and Economics
GOVT-287Political Theory and the Environment
GOVT-289International Political Economy of Migration
GOVT-290U.S. Foreign Policy
GOVT-291International Political Economy
GOVT-294Research Lab: The Politics of Policing
GOVT-295Justice Lab Practicum: The Crisis of Youth Gun Violence
GOVT-300Great Power Competition
GOVT-302Fragile States
GOVT-303Syrian Politics
GOVT-305Native and Indigenous Political Thought
GOVT-306American Political Development
GOVT-308Politics in Mexico
GOVT-311Transitions to Democracy
GOVT-313African Americans, The Supreme Court, and Society
GOVT-315Foreign Policies of Middle Eastern States
GOVT-316Civic Republicanism
GOVT-317The Arab Spring and its Aftermath
GOVT-318Politics of Iran
GOVT-321Term in Washington: Congressional and Executive Internships
GOVT-323Term in Washington: Intern Participant-Observation
GOVT-325Term in Washington: Seminar
GOVT-327Term in Washington: Independent Research
GOVT-329Authoritarian Politics
GOVT-333Topics in Survey Research
GOVT-335Seminar: Criminal Law
GOVT-337Civil Wars
GOVT-338American Public Administration
GOVT-340Race and American Democracy
GOVT-342Gender and Politics
GOVT-343The Modern State
GOVT-345Religion and Terrorism
GOVT-346Liberalism and the Left
GOVT-351The Way of the Warrior
GOVT-355Europe in World Affairs
GOVT-356The Political Theory of Personal Privacy
GOVT-357When Old Debates Were New Again: The Theoretical Origins of Internet Policy
GOVT-359The Organization and Politics of American Policing
GOVT-360The Politics and Theory of Place and Space
GOVT-363Poverty and Development
GOVT-364Poetry and Power
GOVT-365Free Speech Theory
GOVT-366Chinese Foreign Policy
GOVT-368Violence, Justice and the State in Latin America
GOVT-376Government Failure?:The American Administrative State
GOVT-379US International Relations: Race, Empire, and Transnational History
GOVT-382Topics in Public Policy
GOVT-384Comparative Political Thought
GOVT-385International Law and International Politics
GOVT-386Realism, Liberalism, and Leadership in International Relations
GOVT-387Civil-Military Relations
GOVT-389Capitalism, Democracy, and the Workplace
GOVT-391US-Africa Relations
GOVT-394Social Movements and Political Protest
GOVT-412The Politics of A.I.: Algorithms, "Big Data," and "Humans in the Loop"
GOVT-417Topics: Lobbying and Government Relations
GOVT-418Seminar: International Law
GOVT-419Linowitz Seminar
GOVT-432Program Evaluation for Social Change
GOVT-488U.S.-China Relations
GOVT-549Honors Seminar
GOVT-550Senior Project
GOVT-551Senior Honors Thesis