HSPST-115 | Spanish Immersion I |
HSPST-126 | Conquest of the Americas |
HSPST-130 | Third Term Spanish |
HSPST-150 | Grammar and Composition |
HSPST-151 | Grammar and Composition for Heritage/Native Speakers |
HSPST-200 | Exploring Hispanic Texts |
HSPST-209 | Latin American Gothic |
HSPST-210 | Introductory Study of Spanish Literature |
HSPST-211 | Introductory Study of Latin American Literature |
HSPST-213 | Crime Fiction |
HSPST-217 | Introduction to U.S. Latinx Literatures |
HSPST-219 | Advanced grammar review and practical application |
HSPST-223 | Introduction to Hispanic Cinema |
HSPST-224 | Women in Spanish Literature and Film:''Chicas de pelicula'' |
HSPST-229 | Spanish in the Professions |
HSPST-243 | Introduction to Latin American Indigenous Cultures |
HSPST-247 | "La cuestión del indio": Indigenous communities and their representations in Latin America |
HSPST-248 | From Conquest to Airbnb: An exploration of Travel and Cultural Encounters |
HSPST-250 | Journey into Spanish Cultures |
HSPST-251 | Intersectional Latin America |
HSPST-270 | Special Topics in Spanish Literature and Culture |
HSPST-271 | Special Topics in Latin American Literature and Culture |
HSPST-281 | Latin American Short Fiction |
HSPST-283 | Understanding the Contemporary Hispanic Caribbean World |
HSPST-338 | Women's Voices in the Early Modern Hispanic World |
HSPST-301/401 | Modernismo |
HSPST-303/403 | Representing Gender in Latin America |
HSPST-304/404 | Race in Contemporary Spanish culture |
HSPST-307/407 | Reclaiming US Latino Spiritualities: Shamanism and Santería as 'Other' Ways of Knowing |
HSPST-308/408 | Cultural and Racial Alterities in Premodern Spain |
HSPST-310/410 | Medieval Spanish Literature |
HSPST-314/414 | Contemporary Spanish Narrative |
HSPST-318/418 | Literatures, Cultures and Politics in the Spanish Civil War |
HSPST-320/420 | Others like us ... or not |
HSPST-321/421 | Representing Domestic Labor in Latin America |
HSPST-323/423 | The Power of Looking: Re-imagining the Nation in Hispanic Films |
HSPST-325/425 | Indigenous Migration: Why and Where |
HSPST-327/427 | Forms of the Anthropocene in Latin America |
HSPST-330/430 | Performing Gender and Sexuality in Premodern Spain |
HSPST-331/431 | Culture, Disease, and Political Struggle in the Hispanic World |
HSPST-333/433 | Latin American Theatre |
HSPST-340/440 | Femenino, plural / Feminine and Plural |
HSPST-341/441 | Racism, Migration, and Democracy in Andean-Pacific Cultures |
HSPST-343/443 | Contemporary Latin American Novel |
HSPST-351/451 | Writers of the Boom |
HSPST-357/457 | Gender, Sexuality, and Democracy in Latin American Cultures |
HSPST-360/460 | The Generations of 1898 and 1927 |
HSPST-361/461 | Post-Boom Narratives |
HSPST-362/462 | Literature on Film |
HSPST-367/467 | Nueva York: Contemporary Literature and Art |
HSPST-380/480 | Cervantes's Don Quijote |
HSPST-381/481 | Literature and Modernity in the Andes |
HSPST-383/483 | Creative Writing in Spanish |
HSPST-391/491 | Strategies of Resistance in Hispanic-Caribbean Literature: From Slavery to Racial Consciousness |
HSPST-550 | Honors Project |