
The College recognizes that off-campus internship and apprenticeship experiences can be a valuable supplement to a student’s academic program. Students beyond the first year (eight courses) who are in good academic standing are eligible to engage in such internships and apprenticeships. Students may seek to earn academic credit based on an internship or apprenticeship experience in one of two ways. First, students may apply to the Committee on Academic Standing, prior to beginning an internship or apprenticeship, for approval to earn 1/4 credit (using the credit/no credit option only). The committee’s determination to award credit/no credit is based on a letter of evaluation submitted by the project supervisor and, at the discretion of the committee, an interview with the student conducted by the associate dean of students (academic). The Office of the Dean of Students will place the project supervisor's letter of evaluation in the student’s permanent file. Students may not apply credits earned for internships in this manner toward the requirements for their degree, including the regulation requiring the completion of a minimum of 32 credits. Second, under the direction of a regular member of the faculty, and with the approval of the Committee on Academic Standing, students pursuing approved off-campus internships and apprenticeships may use their off-campus experience as the basis for a 1/2-credit or one-credit independent study conducted during a regular semester once the student returns to the College. Such an independent study will be governed by the same policies that apply to all independent studies.