Educational Goals and Curriculum

Hamilton College is committed to the intellectual and personal development of students. We seek to nourish a love of learning, a creative spirit, and an informed and responsible engagement with an ever-changing world. To promote these qualities, the College challenges all of its students to work with their advisors to devise an educational program (including credit-bearing courses, co-curricular work, and extra-curricular activity) that fosters the fulfillment of the eight educational goals.

Intellectual Curiosity and Flexibility — examining facts, phenomena and issues in depth, and from a variety of perspectives, and having the courage to revise beliefs and outlooks in light of new evidence

Analytic Discernment — analyzing information, patterns, connections, arguments, ideas, and views quantitatively and symbolically

Aesthetic Discernment — evaluating quality and value in a variety of artistic and other intellectual domains

Disciplinary Practice — engaging in the focused and sustained practice of disciplinary techniques and methodologies in order to acquire mastery of a specific ability or craft

Creativity — imagining and developing original ideas, approaches, works and interpretations, and solving problems resourcefully

Communication and Expression — expressing oneself with clarity and eloquence, in both traditional and contemporary media, through writing and speaking, and through visual, aural, gestural and other modalities

Understanding of Cultural Diversity — critically engaging with multiple cultural traditions and perspectives, and with interpersonal situations that enhance understanding of different identities and foster the ability to work and live productively and harmoniously with others

Ethical, Informed and Engaged Citizenship — developing an awareness of the challenges and responsibilities of local, national and global citizenship, and the ability to meet such challenges and fulfill such responsibilities by exercising sound and informed judgment in accordance with just principles

In pursuing these goals, students should progress meaningfully along a path toward fulfilling their potential for being thoughtful, responsible and purposeful individuals with the capacity to make a positive difference in the world.