Standards for Written Work

The College requires satisfactory standards of correctness in all written work. Students are encouraged to take writing-intensive courses, which are offered by most departments and programs. Writing-intensive courses include any so designated by the Committee on Academic Policy. The description of each course indicates whether it is writing-intensive.

The Writing Program requires that every student pass at least three writing-intensive courses, each taken in a different semester. One must be taken during the first year of study and a second completed by the end of the second year. This requirement should be completed by the end of the junior year.

Only one writing-intensive course in mathematics and one language course in which assignments are written in a language other than English may count towards the required three courses.  Matriculated students must complete the writing requirement through Hamilton coursework; transferred credit, including study away, may not be used. In exceptional circumstances, the Committee on Academic Standing will allow a student to earn no more than one writing-intensive credit by completing a suitably constructed independent study. At least one course must be outside the student's area of concentration.

Writing-Intensive Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will refine their writing through a recursive process that involves drafting, revising, and receiving feedback from readers.
  • Students will substantiate and develop ideas through the analysis of evidence and the critical use of sources.
  • Students will employ appropriate rhetorical strategies and mechanical conventions for specific disciplines, audiences, genres, and media.
  • Students will properly incorporate, cite, and document sources.