French and Francophone Studies Courses

FRNCH-110Elementary French
FRNCH-111Power Accelerated Beginners'' French
FRNCH-120Second-Term French
FRNCH-130Communication in Francophone Cultural Contexts: Intermediate French I
FRNCH-140Communication in Francophone Cultural Contexts: Intermediate French II
FRNCH-200Written and Oral Argumentation Through Contempory Texts
FRNCH-211Reading in French I: Education in French and Francophone Literatures
FRNCH-212From Vidocq to Vargas: Crime in French Culture and Fiction
FRNCH-240Maghreb Literature in French: Traditions and Modernity
FRNCH-250Exploring Contemporary France: Current Events
FRNCH-276Francophone Theaters
FRNCH-280Francophone Cultures
FRNCH-2851968: Is Paris Burning?
FRNCH-292What's New? Improving Oral Communication in French I
FRNCH-293What's New? Improving Oral Communication in French II
FRNCH-326Ecocritique: Environmental Literature in French
FRNCH-348Life on Reels: Art and Reality in Contemporary French Cinema
FRNCH-356Writing the Self: Autobiography Across the Francophone World
FRNCH-357Visages et Voix de la Ville: Exploring Contemporary Paris
FRNCH-365Adventures and Encounters in Travel Literature in French
FRNCH-374African Cinemas.
FRNCH-406What's so Funny? Laughter and the Comic in French Culture
FRNCH-415Out in the City: Nineteenth-Century Paris
FRNCH-417Politics of Language in the Francophone World
FRNCH-418Place and Space in 20th/21st-Century French Literature and Film
FRNCH-420Women's Writing in Contemporary France
FRNCH-421Romance, Revolution, and Rebels in the 19th-Century French Novel
FRNCH-423Gender and Immigration
FRNCH-428Post-War Cinematographic Memory
FRNCH-432Picturing War in Twentieth-Century France
FRNCH-435Reality as Fragment: Surrealism, the Absurd and Commitment between World War I and World War II
FRNCH-439A la mode: Fashion and the Body in French literature and culture, 19th-century to present  
FRNCH-455The African Novel
FRNCH-550Senior Independent Research Project
FRNCH-241In Translation: North African Literature in France