Cinema and Media Studies Courses

CNMS-110Ways of Seeing: Vision, Technology, Media
CNMS-120Introduction to the History and Theory of Film
CNMS-125Introduction to History and Theory of New Media
CNMS-135The Classics on Film
CNMS-154Introduction to German Cinema
CNMS-159Photography Changes Everything
CNMS-160Modern China Through Film
CNMS-166Modern Selves and Ways of Seeing: Japanese Film, Animation, and Literature
CNMS-169“The Most Important Art”: Russian, Soviet, and post-Soviet Film
CNMS-170Introduction to Italian Cinema
CNMS-202Asian Film and Religion
CNMS-205Broadcasting Freedom: Protest, Power, and Black Media
CNMS-228Philosophy and Film
CNMS-230Bollywood Film
CNMS-236The Visual Culture of Modernity
CNMS-237Visual Culture of World War II
CNMS-239Modern Japan: Japanese Culture and Society From A(-Bomb) to (Dragon Ball)Z
CNMS-251Apocalypse Now and Then
CNMS-268Political Film
CNMS-290Facing Reality: A History of Documentary Cinema
CNMS-291American Film Comedy: Classic and Modern
CNMS-301Avant Garde: Cinema as Theory and Critique
CNMS-304Religion and Media
CNMS-314Digital Approaches to Print Media
CNMS-316African Americans in American Cinema
CNMS-324Visual Culture and the Jewish Experience
CNMS-325Media Theory and Visual Culture
CNMS-330Digital History and New Media: Theories and Praxis
CNMS-335Media and Production
CNMS-350Gender and Cyberculture
CNMS-356Introduction to Japanese Film
CNMS-365Major Figures in Cinema
CNMS-380Seminar: Transcultural Chinese-Language Cinema and Hollywood
CNMS-401Meta-Cinema: Films Made from Other Films
CNMS-442Cinematic Heroes and Heroines in Post-Mao China
CNMS-500Senior Seminar in Cinema and Media Studies
CNMS-550Senior Honors Project