Grades of Incomplete and Grade Changes

Any grade of incomplete reported by an instructor must first be approved by the Chair of the Committee on Academic Standing in consultation with the Associate Dean of Student Support and the student. Such approval is given rarely and only in circumstances beyond a student’s control, such as a medical or family emergency. Approval permits the student to complete the required work for the course no later than four weeks from the end of the semester for which the grade of incomplete was assigned, unless completing the work requires being on campus. If all remaining work is not submitted by the deadline, the grade will automatically be changed to F. Deadlines for incompletes will be extended only for compelling extenuating circumstances and only with approval from the Chair of the Committee on Academic Standing in consultation with the Associate Dean of Students for Student Support and the instructor. Extensions, if granted, will normally be for another four weeks.

An instructor may not change a grade, other than the removal of a previously approved incomplete within the deadline, without the approval of the chair of the Committee on Academic Standing.