Grade Appeals

Grading is a faculty prerogative and it is normally not Hamilton’s policy to intervene in grade disputes. In no instance will the College change a grade without the permission of the instructor. Students who have a complaint about a grade should in all but the most sensitive cases (e.g., sexual harassment) discuss their concerns with the instructor of the course. If this meeting fails to bring about a resolution, the student should then talk to the Chair of the department. The Chair should consult with both the student and instructor.

If the matter cannot be resolved at this stage, the student may meet with the Associate Dean of Students for Academics, who, upon meeting with both the student and instructor, and completing any appropriate investigation, will discuss the matter with the Dean of the Faculty, who will decide if the complaint has merit. If the Dean of the Faculty decides the case does not have merit, s/he should respond to both the student and instructor in writing detailing the reasons for the decision. A copy of this letter should be kept in both the student’s and instructor’s files.

If the Dean does believe that the case has merit and that a waiver of an academic regulation (e.g., late withdrawal, change to Credit/No credit after the deadline) is appropriate, s/he may refer the complaint to the Committee on Academic Standing with a recommendation for further action. This recommendation should include copies of a written statement from the student, the response from the instructor, and a letter from the Dean explaining the reasons for the recommendation. A copy of the student complaint, the instructor response, and the Dean’s recommendation will be kept in both the instructor’s and student’s files.