FRNCH-211 Reading in French I: Education in French and Francophone Literatures
This course explores the various representations of education in French and Francophone literatures, from the 17th to the 21st century. Texts written about academic, social, individual, and familial education are studied in conjunction with historic and geographical considerations of gender roles, along with national and colonial history. Reading across genres (theater, pamphlets, novel, autobiography, and autofiction) and across historical periods, we will learn how to think and write critically about literature in its cultural contexts using various techniques and methodologies of textual analysis. Authors include Molière, Rousseau, Colette, Pennac, Sijie, and Bouraoui.
Proseminar (16)
FRNCH-200 or appropriate score on placement exam, or consent of instructor.
Topics vary, may be retaken for credit