AFRST-322 Sankofa: Africana Futures and Beyond
Sankofa is the "ancient proverbial Akan bird, constantly reaching back into the past even as it flies sky-bound into a future of great expectations" (Anyidoho). Even as colonial fantasies imagine Africa as the incarnation of the past, cultural and political movements in Africa and its Diasporas have found ways to cope with and resist colonial fantasies, imagining Black futures of national and global agendas. Readings and other media by Amos Tutuola, Nnedi Okorafor, Kojo Laing, Octavia Butler, Nalo Hopkinson, Samuel Delany, Steve Barnes, and Nisi Shawl.
Standard Course (40)
Cross Listed Courses
One 200-level course in Literature or Africana Studies
Theory and History