Computer Science Courses

CPSCI-100Contemporary Computing Concepts
CPSCI-101Computer Science for All
CPSCI-102Design Principles
CPSCI-105Explorations in Computer Science
CPSCI-110Introduction to Computer Science
CPSCI-111Data Structures
CPSCI-112Problem Solving and Data Structures
CPSCI-123Discrete Mathematics
CPSCI-200Social, Structural, and Institutional Hierarchies
CPSCI-207Topics in Computer Science I
CPSCI-210Applied Theory
CPSCI-220Principles of Programming Languages
CPSCI-230Algorithms and Data Structures
CPSCI-240Computer Organization and Assembly Language
CPSCI-290Programming Challenges
CPSCI-307Topics in Computer Science II
CPSCI-320Computer Architecture
CPSCI-340Operating Systems
CPSCI-350Database Theory and Practice
CPSCI-375Artificial Intelligence
CPSCI-380Theory of Computation
CPSCI-410Senior Seminar
CPSCI-420Readings in Computer Science
CPSCI-500Senior Research