Medical or Psychological Leave of Absence

Students who have a professionally diagnosed medical or psychological condition that interferes with their academic or social life at Hamilton may request from the dean of students a medical or psychological leave of absence. For such a leave to be considered, the student must authorize the director of Student Health Services and/or the director of Counseling and Psychological Services, as appropriate, to provide confirmation of the presence and severity of the condition to the dean of students.

In extraordinary circumstances when a student is unable or unwilling to take a voluntary leave of absence, the dean of students or a designee may place a student on an involuntary leave of absence if it is determined that the student's actions pose a direct threat to the safety of others or disrupt the learning environment for other students. Before an involuntary leave is considered, the dean of students will consult with the student and his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) and encourage a voluntary leave of absence.

Prior to placing a student on an involuntary leave, the dean of students or a designee will meet with the student and explain the reasons why it is under consideration. The student will have an opportunity to respond. In determining whether an involuntary leave is necessary, the dean of students will confer with campus officials who can help evaluate whether a student’s behavior poses a direct threat to the safety of others or disrupts the learning environment for other students. The dean of students or designee may require an assessment by health care professionals who can assist in making an informed decision. In all cases, reasonable accommodations that would mitigate the need for an involuntary leave will be considered. In a case where a student’s behavior is judged by the dean of students or designee to pose an immediate and substantial disruption or threat to the safety of others, the dean or designee may take immediate action to place the student on an involuntary leave, providing the student an opportunity to respond to the action in a reasonable period of time.

Students who take a leave during a semester will normally be on leave for the remainder of that semester plus the subsequent semester. Students who have been on medical or psychological leave of absence must apply to the dean of students to return. Normally this request should be made 30 days in advance of the proposed date of return. Requests will be granted only after the director of Student Health Services and/or the director of Counseling and Psychological Services informs the dean of students that he or she is satisfied that the student is ready to return; this will normally require the student to supply documentation from appropriate professionals confirming that the condition leading to the leave has been resolved.