ENVST-204 Environmental Social Movements

The course studies environmental social movements as a response to socio-ecological violence and shift toward environmental justice. First, we ground ourselves with a survey of social movement theory, research, and methods to understand what social movements are and do as well as how social scientists and humanities scholars study them. Next, the course analyzes environmental justice movements across place, from Global South environmental movements to transnational movements, and across issues, from mining to climate change. Finally, we expand environmental justice to interrogate how feminist, Black liberation, queer & trans liberation, and animal liberation movements complicate our understandings of the “environmental” in environmental social movements.

Maximum Enrollment

Standard Course (40)




ENVST-110 preferred. If the student has not taken Intro to Environmental Studies, the student may fulfill the prerequisite by taking any one of the following courses: GOVT-116, GOVT-112, GOVT-114, GOVT-117 or SOC-101