ECON-236 Policy, Poverty, and Practice II

Investigates policies to alleviate poverty, with a focus on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Topics include: poverty, income inequality and inequality of opportunity; tax policy; and incentives created by policies aimed at alleviating poverty. The class has a significant service learning component in which students complete IRS (Advanced) training and assist low-income families in Utica in filling out Federal tax forms to claim the EITC.

Maximum Enrollment

Standard Course (40)




Completion of 0.5 credits of Econ 235.




The course meets one hour per week through April 15, with a minimum in-class time of 10 hours. Requires significant self-paced training prior to start of classes. Course can only be taken on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. Does not count toward the concentration or minor. Course taught concurrently with ECON-235. May be retaken once for credit with instructor consent.