SOC-288 Sociology of Religion

Religion is a powerful influence in society. Sometimes religion contributes to struggles for justice and tremendous acts of compassion. At other times it can sustain violence and maintain oppression. In more subtle ways, religion plays a central role in the lives of millions of people by providing them with purpose, community, and moral guidance. This course will be oriented by the following sets of questions: 1) Why study religion? What makes religion an inherently “social” thing? 2) How do people practice their faith, and how do their beliefs shape their attitudes? 3) How does religion influence public life in American politics and internationally? 4.) How does religion change over time? How does it contribute to broader social change? 

Maximum Enrollment

Writing-Intensive (18)

(Writing Intensive, Social Structural and Institutional Hierarchies.)




Sociology 101 or 110 or consent of instructor.