RSNST-237 Russia and the World

The course will examine Russia’s relations with both its post-Soviet neighbors and the West from the Tsarist era to the present. Topics to be covered include: the formation of the Russian Empire, the Cold War, the evolution of Russian-Western relations since the collapse of communism, Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, and the outbreak of a major war with Ukraine in 2022. A central theme of the course will be the evolution of Russian national identity, especially as it relates to Russia’s status as an empire and its relationship with the West.

Maximum Enrollment

Standard Course (40)



Cross Listed Courses



Take any one of the following: GOVT-114, RSNST-100, RSNST-105, HIST/RSNST-221 OR HIST/RSNST-222 or permission of instructor - Must be completed prior to taking this course.


(International Relations)