HSPST-341/441 Racism, Migration, and Democracy in Andean-Pacific Cultures

This course engages with contemporary cultural interventions on racial justice in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru in order to examine the innovative ways in which artists use visual and written expressive practices to advocate for the visibility of racialized bodies. We consider concepts in critical race and indigenous studies such as mestizaje (Quijano), deracination (Arboleda), and opacity (Glissant), and propose new critical vocabularies, which will lead us to consider race as dealing with the aesthetics of refusal, the contingent, and the nonbinary.

Maximum Enrollment





2 courses in HSPST above 200W.


Course is cross-listed as 341/431. The 431 designation is for senior concentrators in HSPST who plan to write their senior thesis project in the course.