ECON-235 Policy, Poverty and Practice

Investigates policies to alleviate poverty, with a focus on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Topics include: poverty, income inequality and inequality of opportunity; tax policy; and incentives created by policies aimed at alleviating poverty. The class has a significant service learning component in which students complete IRS training at the Basic level and assist low-income families in Utica in filling out Federal tax forms to claim the EITC.

Maximum Enrollment

Standard Course (40)








The course meets one hour per week through April 15, with a minimum in-class time of 10 hours. Requires significant self-paced training prior to start of classes. Course can only be taken on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. Does not count toward the concentration or minor. Course taught concurrently with Econ 236. May be retaken once for credit with instructor consent.